What happens if I cancel my reservation?

Your payment becomes store credit – even in the case of bad weather.

Do you deliver? 

Pick a Party Place wants to ensure that you not only have the best time with your rentals, but the safest as well. To ensure proper set up and 100% working and safe condition, we deliver and set up all rentals. We DO NOT have self pick up.

Do you drop off and pick up moonwalks?

Yes. Delivery and setup services are required to insure proper set up. Your delivery and setup rate depends on your distance from our locations.

Will a moonwalk fit in my backyard?

If you have a somewhat flat area about 18ʹ x 18ʹ with no low hanging tree branches, it will fit. We rarely have a problem. We can even set up a moonwalk in your driveway or front yard.

Do I need a generator?

If you have a standard electrical outlet within 50 feet of the setup area, a generator is not needed.

Do you supply an extension cord?

Extension cords will be supplied for events that we are running. We do not supply any extension cords for simple deliveries. We supply only the cord that is attached to the blower (approximately 15ʹ long). We expect that you have an extension cord plugged in and ready for the driver when he/she arrives.

Do you require a deposit?

Yes, we require a 50% deposit on all moonwalks and a larger deposit on more extensive orders. We accept cash, check, or credit card prior to delivery.

When should I have my lawn cut?

It is extremely difficult to cut your grass after we have installed a tent or moonwalk. Tents have various ropes, stakes, and poles that are secured into the ground throughout the perimeter while moonwalks also have ropes and stakes. Do not wait until the last minute. We recommend you cut your grass 1-2 days before your scheduled delivery to avoid conflict with the setup.

Do I need to be present for you to set up my moonwalk or tent?

As long as you have let us know by phone or in person that you will not be on site during the time of your delivery and have marked out the spot for your tent/moonwalk, then we have no problem with delivering your order. Moonwalk orders require you to leave out an extension cord that is already plugged in so we can ensure a full setup.

How many children can jump in the moonwalk at one time?

Generally, a 13ʹ x 13ʹ unit can handle 6 to 8 jumpers and a 15ʹ x 15ʹ unit can handle 8 to 10 jumpers. The size and age of the people using the unit must also be considered.

How much do moonwalks weigh?

Moonwalks are large and generally weigh between 175 to 300 pounds.

How are they powered?

Moonwalks are inflated using an electric blower unit that is powered by a standard 110 volt, three-prong electrical outlet with a GFI. Electricity is needed within 100 feet of the moonwalk. A generator may be used to power the moonwalk if an electrical outlet is unavailable.

Does the moonwalk need to be anchored?

Yes. We use stakes to secure the moonwalk when placed on a lawn.